The Journal

Bellroy의 10년 스토리

각각의 Bellroy 제품은 백지로 시작했지만, 해를 거치며 유니크한 제품으로 자리 잡을 수 있었습니다. 10주년을 맞이하여, 저희는 Bellroy 제품들이 어떤 세월을 거쳐왔는지 확인해보는 시간을 가졌답니다. 꽤 흥미로운 스토리들이 있었는데요, Slim Sleeve 제품 덕분에 스키를 타던 중 엉덩이를 다치지 않을 수 있었다는 사연부터 가장 긴 수명을 지녔던 돛천으로 만든 시제품 등이 그 일부죠. 이야기의 전문, 지금 확인해보세요!

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“My absolute favorite customer story was from a guy called Lucas. While skiing in Tahoe, he hit some deep powder and bailed, hard. Hard enough that his ski flew back and nailed him in the rear end, slicing through his ski pants and the trusty Note Sleeve in his back pocket. Even though the wallet suffered a nasty gouge, everything inside was fine, and Lucas credits it with, quite literally, saving his ass.”

– Sharni (사진 왼쪽)는 저희 고객 서비스 팀을 담당하고 있으며, 다양한 흥미로운 스토리를 지니고 있답니다.

“I think my favorite customer story is from Dave, a loyal Bellroy fan who started a ‘polite and laid-back uprising’, comprised of hilarious haikus, in an attempt to convince us we should make a sleeve for his 10.5” tablet. After weeks of hugely entertaining back-and-forth, Dave ended up getting a Duo Totepack.

A few months later, we got another message from him. Turns out he gave the bag to his daughter, who required a tracheotomy due to severe asthma, and had to lug a portable ventilator around with her. Her equipment fit perfectly in the Totepack, and everywhere she went, people would comment on how cool it was. As Dave put it, ‘For a kid wrestling to breathe, who lives – at least for now – with a hole in her neck, the little boost of confidence and attention that bag gives her is a wonderful, simple little thing. And it might just save her life in a pinch.’

I’m not crying, I just have something in my eye.”

– Camilla (사진 오른쪽)은 매일 저희 고객들과 이야기를 나누며, 가끔 행복의 눈물을 흘리기도 하죠.

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“I’ve had this Slim Sleeve since, well, probably the year Bellroy started! Honestly, it still surprises me every day. THAT SIMPLE PULL TAB. Every time I pull on it, it's like I'm performing a magic trick, and I've had multiple people comment on it.

One time I was checking in for a flight, and pulled out my wallet to get my ID. I noticed a gentleman next to me, looking directly at me. We made eye contact and he nodded in approval, holding up his Bellroy wallet. I nodded back, smiling.”

– Taylor은 산업 디자이너로, Carryology의 시니어 에디터이자 수염 관리의 챔피언이랍니다.

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“This Slim Sleeve has been through a lot of fun with me – a new house, a new puppy and a new girlfriend (all of which have made a dint in my pocket, haha). The color of it has always delighted me. I get a lot of compliments, and it’s been quite an icebreaker. You don't see wallets this color often, so I love that it’s out of the ordinary.”

– Dan은 Bellroy의 사진 촬영에서 종종 볼 수 있는 크리에이티브랍니다.

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“I love my Classic Pouch. I’ve had it for a couple of years and I use it pretty much every day. Even after being dragged around in my bag with all my other stuff, looking at it the other day I realised how pristine it still looks. It reminds me of a few things – meeting the wonderful people at Bellroy, a task or job that I have to do (depending what’s in it), and of course it reminds me of pizza! Whenever someone wants chewy or lip balm or a tissue, I’ll whip out my pouch and beat anyone else to it. Because it’s a competition.”

– Anna는 멜버른에 위치한 일러스트레이터로 저희 디자인 아이콘의 스케치를 담당하고 있으며, Classic Pouch 제품을 최초로 사용한 사람 중 한 명이기도 합니다.

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“I just turned 40 this year, and at some point carrying a backpack to a meeting started to feel a little bit ‘stuck-in-your-youth’, so the ability to fling my Duo Totepack off my shoulder and carry it from the top handles makes me feel a bit more presentable. But as soon as I leave the meeting, it’s back on my shoulder!”

– Oliver (사진 왼쪽)는 사진 오른쪽의 Jarrad와 함께 사이클링 브랜드 MAAP의 공동 창업자입니다.

“From the daily ride to work to product development trips in Italy, my Bellroy x MAAP Phone Pocket goes everywhere with me. Literally, everywhere. Bitter cold outdoors, coffee tables, airport lounges… And as a dad with two little ones, who knows where else. I can happily say it’s kid proof too! It may be officially called a Phone Pocket, but I like to call it the Super Wallet instead.”

– Jarrad는 Bellroy x MAAP 콜라보레이션에 가장 큰 애정을 가져온 사람이랍니다.

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“My brother Andy made this wallet when he was at university back in 1999, using some sailcloth, binding, and a needle and thread. It turned out to be an early prototype of the Slim Sleeve! He eventually passed this one on to me to use for a while; while I enjoyed the super slim profile, the sailcloth material didn’t hold up particularly well. In the two decades since, we’ve kept the slim designs, but replaced the sailcloth with leather, which is both softer and more durable.”

– Bellroy의 CIO를 맡고 있는 Matt은 그의 남자 형제이자 Bellroy의 CEO인 Andy의 디자인을 물려받았습니다.

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Alana는 사진 작가이자 서퍼로, Bellroy와 오랜 인연을 맺어왔답니다. - 오하우, 하와이
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James는 Bellroy의 시니어 제품 디자이너입니다. - 벨스 비치
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Kaiju는 저희 사무실의 마스코트이자, 모두의 행복 비타민이죠. - 멜버른
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Kannan은 저희 지갑이 제대로 제작되어 세상에 출시될 수 있도록 돕고 있습니다. - 첸나이, 인도
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Bellroy의 공동 창립자이자 CEO인 Andy가 자신이 FedEx 포장지로 만든 Card Sleeve 시제품을 들고 있습니다. - 벨스 비치
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Andy와 Richard는 Huckberry 뒤에 숨은 브레인이라고 할 수 있죠. - 샌프란시스코

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